Kamis, 23 Februari 2023

Making Video Learning Media


Learning media is a tool used to support the learning and teaching process.

Benefits of learning media:

  1. The teaching and learning process is more interesting
  2. Lessons are more interactive
  3. Does not overcome information limitations
  4. Students are able to understand abstract material
  5. Increase student learning motivation. 

Types of learning media

There are several types of learning media including:

  • audio media
  • Visual media
  • Audio-visual media

How to make learning media in the form of video (audio visual)

There are many ways to make learning media in the form of audio-visual using applications such as Canva, Kalhoot, Kine Master and CapCut or others that can be designed using a mobile phone.

The following are the steps for making video learning media using CapCut

  1. Prepare materials such as Parts of body
  2. Record a video explaining the "parts of body" material as usual using a cellphone
  3. Enter the recorded video into capcut, and add an overlay in the form of an image or explanation of the material.
  4. Edit as desired to make the video more interesting.
  5. After editing, check again and if it fits the next step is to save video.

Those are some simple ways to make audio-visual learning media.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2023

How to Create Audio Learning Media


Learning media is something that can be used to convey messages so that it can stimulate students' feelings, thoughts, willpower, and attention and encourage the learning process. There are various kinds and types of learning media, one of which is learning media in the form of audio.

Here are the steps to make learning media in the form of audio using

1.       Prepare the material to be studied, especially English material.

2.       Enter learning materials in the form of text, conversations and others, into the box provided as shown below

3.       Once you are done entering text, there is no need to record sound to get the audio but just click Download as MP3 which is at the bottom right.

4.       Before downloading the mp3 and to check the audio, click on the Read section.

5.       At the bottom left there is an icon to change the Language as desired, but it is not available for Indonesian

6.       After entering the material in the form of reading text, conversations and others, please check the voice and then download the mp3.


Those are some steps in making learning media in the form of audio using

 in English.

To access more here is the link https://ttsmp3.com/


Kamis, 09 Februari 2023


 Creating Effective PowerPoints (For Teaching)

PowerPoints for Teaching

  • Using PowerPoint both teaching tools and study guides c the nature and amount of information presented.
  • Use “notes” to keep PowerPoints clean and uncluttered.
  • PowerPoints as teaching aids to facilitate discussion, class time management, and groupwork.
  • PowerPoints have a psychological component  students feel that PowerPoint's are important and are more likely to take notes.


Student Engagement

  • One of the challenges of PowerPoint as an instructional delivery system is that it can be a very passive learning environment.
  • What strategies have you used to make your PowerPoints more engaging and encourage active learning?


Small Classes

Large Classes

Class discussions with questions embedded in PowerPoint material.

Use of clickers, twitter feed, or other technology can aid in engagement.

Group work (even short, 5 minutes discussion in pairs) portions.

Short discussions among students with 3-4 groups reporting back (or all groups reporting to forum)

The “think → pair share "strategy works strategy works (demonstrate a point, have them free write, have them pair, and discuss)

Good delivery helps (more later on this)!


Writing a Good PowerPoint

§  Use Bullet points to increase scan ability and readability.

§  Avoid too large blocks of text; create concise language (my favorite method for learning concise language is here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/635/01/)

§  Keep one idea to one slide rather than trying to cram (or add more slides for dense information)

§  Use parallel language (using the same verb tense at the beginning of each point, like in this slide)

§  Provide clear references for source material used (this helps students see the connections

Designing a Good PowerPoint

  • Keep information straightforward.
  • Include graphics and visuals, like “smart art” graphics, but don’t go overboard.
  • Consider other multimedia elements, such as embedded short video clips, audio, etc.
  • Break up large portions of lecture with activities, free writes, checks for understanding, short group work, discussions, etc.


Tricks and Tips: Smart Art in PPT

  • “Smart Art” allows for visualization of lists, relationships, cycles, and more.
  • Found under “Smart Art.” Very useful displaying information and relationships.


Tricks and Tips: Embedding Pictures & Video


Tricks and Tips: Basic Design Principles, cont.

  • Alignment = Everything should look well placed, everything is connected with an “invisible line” (e.g., bullet points on top of each other)
  • Contrast = Difference, make elements that need to be different (through font choice, formatting, offsetting text, etc.)


Tips and Tricks: Basic Design Principles, cont.

  • Repetition = Repetition is about unity, consistency, and creating cohesiveness (three slides with the same design and similar content)
  • Proximity = where things are placed in relationship to one another; where does your eye move? What is the path it takes?
  • *Information taken from Williams (2008) Non- Designer’s Design Book


Organizing PowerPoints

  1. Slide 1: Title
  2. Slide 2: Overview - Provide students with a roadmap of where you are going.
  3. For longer PowerPoints, provide SIGNPOSTS (slides that say, this is where we’ve been and here’s where we are going next)
  4.  Use notes area to supplement material-dense slides.
  5. Use text formatting and graphics to draw attention.


Organization with Emphasis on Student Engagement (5o min class)

  1. Introduction/Overview of what we will cover (1-2 min)
  2. Short free write + class discussion of what students already know/prior experience (5-10 min)
  3. Presentation of material (10-20 min) includes 2-3 open-ended qoestion for students to break up presentation.
  4. group work on material to help solidify concepts (15 min) and final discussion or free write (15 min)


Delivery of a PowerPoint

  • Part of an effective PowerPoint is how its delivered/presented in a classroom
  • Students prefer faculty who are engaged and interested in the material (through enthusiasm in voice, engagement with subject, interesting stories)
  • Students also want to see clear connections to future careers and real life (this is a good activity to do with students at the beginning or end of a class session)

Online Delivery of PPT

  • PowerPoint does allow you to record a side show, which can be useful for flipped classes, online courses, or polar vortex snow days.
  • You need a microphone (or use your computer’s built in mic) for recording.
  • You can find the tools to record under Slide Show → Presenter Tools


Alternatives to PowerPoint

  • Prezi (www.prezi.com)
  • Haiku Deck (iPad/webapp)
  • Softmaker Presentations (Android App)  Allows you to edit and open PPTS on Android.

Jumat, 03 Februari 2023



Microsoft Office 2013

1.    Membuat file baru, menyimpan file dan membuka file

A.    Membuat File Baru

Berikut cara membuat file baru pada Microsoft office 2013:

a)    Klik menu FILE

b)    Setelah itu klik menu NEW untuk membuat file baru lalu kemudian pilih template yang disediakan

c)    Jika sudah memilih template maka akan masuk ke halaman kerja.


B.    Menyimpan File

1)    Klik menu FILE kemudian pilih menu Save As

2)    Pilih Computer lalu klik browse untuk menentukan file yang kita buat akan disimpan dimana.

3)    Pada kotak isian file name diisi nama file yang akan dibuat. Jika nama telah diisi maka klik save untuk menyimpan.


C.   Membuka File

a)    Klik FILE lalu kemudian pilih menu Open

b)    Lalu klik computer kemudian klik browse untuk mencari file yang disimpan pada folder tertentu.

c)    Selanjutnya, cari file yang disimpan kemudian klik open.


2.    Pengaturan Size dan Margin / Page Setup

a)    Klik menu PAGE LAYOUT

b)    Pilih menu Size

c)    Pilih ukuran yang sesuai. Jika ingin membuat ukuran sendiri maka klik “More Paper Size” untuk menentukan margin, layout dan paper.


3.    Pengaturan Jenis Huruf dan Ukuran Huruf, Line Spacing and Paragraph


1)    Klik menu HOME

2)    Pilih font yang diinginkan dan ukuran font yang diinginkan Jenis font Ukuran font.


B.    Line Spacing and Paragraph

a)    Klik menu PAGE LAYOUT

b)    Atur spasi dan paragraph pada sub menu paragraph

c)    Atau jika ingin pengaturan lebih lanjut klik tanda panah kebawah pada menu paragraph.


4.    Bullets and Numbering

Bullets and numbering yaitu pemberian angka atau symbol pada awal kata. Hal ini biasanya digunakan pada penomoran huruf atau sub menu pada suatu artikel. Bullets adalah penanda yang berhubungan dengan symbol sedangkan numbering adalah penanda yang berhubungan dengan angka.

Cara membuatnya yaitu klik menu HOME pilih submenu paragraph.


5.    Insert Table

a)    Klik menu INSERT lalu klik tool add a table

b)    Jika diklik maka akan muncul table dengan ukuran 1x1 jika ingin menambah bisa diklik sesuai yang diinginkan misalnya 4x3 dimana akan terdapat 12 table yang diinginkan

c)    Untuk lebih spesifikasi lagi yaitu klik Draw Table maka, disini kita mengatur jumlah kolom dan baris secara manual.


6.    Symbol and Equation

A.    Symbol

a)    Pastikan anda sudah menyiapkan dokumen yang berhubungan dengan rumus-rumus, seperti Alpha, Beta, Lamda dan sebagainya.

b)    Kemudian, letakkan kursor di lokasi yang akan disisipi dengan karakter khusus berupa symbol, lalu klik Insert, pilih symbol yang diinginkan.

c)    Klik Insert, lalu Close dan Symbol yang diingikan akan muncul.

B.    Equation

a)    Pastikan anda sedang bekerja dengan Ms. Word 2013 terutama membuat dokumen yang berhubungan dengan matematika.

b)    Klik Insert, pilih Equation

c)    Pilih rumus yang akan digunakan, sebagai contoh Quadratic Formula sebagai berikut:







7.    Mencetak File

Perhatikan langkah berikut :

1)    Klik menu File

2)    Sorot item Print. Pada item Print terdapat beberapa pengaturan sebelum mencetak dokumen, seperti pengaturan printer (jika ingin mengubah konfigurasi printer), setting halaman, serta print preview dari dokumen yang akan dicetak.

3)    Anda dapat menggunakan tombol CTRL+P, ENTER untuk menampilkan item Print.


8.    Membuat Daftar Isi

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk membuat

daftar isi:

a)    Siapkan sebuah dokumen, tempatkan kursor pada awal halaman dalam dokumen tersebut.

b)    Klik menu Insert, group Pages lalu klik pilihan Blank Page untuk menyisipkan halaman baru.

c)    Beri style pada judul dan sub judul pada dokumen tersebut, BAB I, BAB II, BAB III diberi style “heading 1” untuk sub tema diberi style “heading 2” dan seterusnya.

d)    Kemudian klik menu References, lalu pada group Table of Contents, pilih Table of Contents. Pilih format daftar isi sesuai keinginan.

e)    Sehingga akan muncul daftar isi seperti yang diinginkan.


9.    Mail Merge

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Mail Merge adalah sebagai berikut :

1)    Buatlah sebuah dokumen misalnya surat undangan

2)    Klik menu Mailings, pada sub menu Start Mail Merge

3)    Pada menu Mailings, pilih Select recipients lalu klik Type New List maka akan muncul kotak dialog.

4)    Klik button Customize Columns sehingga akan ditampilkan kotak dialog Customize Address List, lalu hapus semua field dengan menekan button Delete.

5)    Isikan nama field yang anda inginkan dengan klik button Add.

6)    Isikan data sesuai field.

7)    Setelah memasukkan data, klik OK.

8)    Letakkan kursor sesuai format dokumen, lalu klik Mailings pilih Insert Merge Field. Isikan semua field yang sudah anda isi. Kemudian akan muncul <<nama field>>. Untuk memunculkan data yang telah dimunculkan silahkan klik Preview Results.


Tutorial Mendeley

v  Mendeley merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang berguna untuk membuat sitasi (bodynote & daftar Pustaka) secara otomatis.


v  Cara install:

a)    Akses ke https://www.mendeley.com/

b)    Regitrasi akun

c)    Klik “Create a free Account”

d)    Isi from yang disediakan

e)    Pilih konsentrasi yang sedang di geluti

f)      Dowanload aplikasi Mendeley desktop

g)    Install master Mendeley desktop yang sudah terdownload

h)    Buka aplikasi Mendeley yang telah diinstall

i)      Masukkan e-mail dan password (sesuai dengan proses registrasi)

j)      Klik “Skip”, “Skip” lagi, Klik “Skip” sekali lagi

k)    Install Ms. Word Plugin (Ketika proses penginstalan jangan buka ms. Word). Klik “Tools” > klik “install ms word plugin”

l)      Lihat perbedaan, sebelum dan sesudah install ms word plugin.


 Hello firends, now I want to tell you about how to make online class througmme Classroom and Google Form. For first I will explain about Go...